

生物统计公司成立于 1986 年。我们与美国和英国的专家合作开发幂次分析和荟萃分析领域的统计软件。 Power and Precision 拥有 40,000 多名用户,是世界上最畅销的统计功率分析程序。 Comprehensive Meta-Analysis》拥有 20,000 多名用户,是世界上最畅销的荟萃分析程序。


我们衷心感谢美国国立卫生研究院(NIH)/SBIR 通过以下基金提供的支持。这并不意味着美国国立卫生研究院(NIH)的认可,法律禁止NIH认可任何项目。

赠款 # 项目 年份
R44MH43083 用于心理健康动力分析的微型计算机程序 1986
R44MH052969 心理健康荟萃分析计算机程序 1993
R44MH058483 心理健康生存研究的统计能力 1998
R44MH060033 心理健康二元结果的统计能力 1999
R44AG021360 荟萃分析中的数据类型组合 2002
R44AG020052 心理健康荟萃分析中的发表偏差 2001
R44AG021360 荟萃分析中的数据类型组合 2003
R44AG024771 元回归软件 2004
R44DA019280 用于荟萃分析的森林图 2005
R44AG029029 诊断测试荟萃分析软件 2006
R44DA022799 荟萃分析的功率分析 2007
R44DA025366 分组随机试验的功率分析 2008
R44DA028005 纵向试验的功率分析 2010
R44DA029351 相关结果荟萃分析软件 2010
ED-IES-11-C-0037 计算分组随机试验的效应大小 2010

"Even in its earliest versions, Comprehensive Meta‐Analysis was easy to use. More importantly, Michael Borenstein and his colleagues were readily available to assist with the few questions I had about the software. For beginners in meta‐analysis and for seasoned researchers, I highly recommend this program. You will not be disappointed."

Tracey Scherr, PhD - Nationally Certified School Psychologist, Associate Professor of Psychology, University of Wisconsin‐Whitewater

"I am a PhD Candidate and used your software to successfully complete my Master's thesis. I find the CMA software to be very user‐friendly; it was easy to learn how to use and has an excellent selection of options for analysis. I also find the customer support to be very helpful and timely. I would and have recommended the software to others."

Amanda Epp, M.Sc. - Doctoral Student, Clinical Psychology, University of Calgary, Depression Research Lab


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