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"Michael Borenstein is the master of accessible and accurate explanations. Thank you, Michael, for drawing on your vast experience mentoring thousands of people around the globe, to produce this book for us. Its value is immense. It is my hope that all scholars undertaking research synthesis will have this book by their side."

哈里斯·库珀 – 美国心理学会首席编辑顾问(2009−2015);《心理学通报》编辑(2003−2009)

"This book should be required reading for anyone conducting or planning to conduct a meta-analysis. By highlighting some of the most common mistakes that occur in meta-analyses, readers will learn how to avoid perpetuating those mistakes and ensure their meta-analyses are conducted and interpreted appropriately. This book should also be of great interest to researchers, policymakers, and practitioners who wish to be informed consumers of meta-analyses."

EMILY E. TANNER-SMITH – 俄勒冈大学教育学院研究副院长

"This book will be tremendously useful to both first time and experienced users of meta-analysis. By alerting us to common pitfalls, it has the potential to improve the use of evidence in science and policy making."

拉里·赫奇斯(LARRY HEDGES) – 西北大学政策研究所统计与政策研究董事会教授